In addition to the work we do here at the Shannon Lee Meara Foundation, we have identified a number of other local, like-minded organizations dedicated to the cause of Domestic Violence awareness and prevention.
Jane Doe Inc. (JDI) is a statewide membership coalition, an advocacy organization, a catalyst for change, and so much more. Offering unparalleled leadership in Massachusetts, they are changing the way society views and reacts to sexual and domestic violence in ways that make our communities safer today and for future generations.
REACH Beyond Domestic Violence is building healthy communities by ending domestic violence. They are committed to advancing the safety, healing and empowerment of those who experience domestic or relationship violence through direct services and education while promoting social justice for individuals and families of all backgrounds. 

The Garden of Peace is a memorial commemorating victims of homicide and a living reminder of the impact of violence. It is a visual testament to the need for eliminating violence. The Garden is a symbol of hope for peace and renewal in our lives, our community, and the world.